Thursday 2 April 2015

What you can do to spice up your marriage

After many years together, your partner will begin to transform before your eyes, and some of their ideals and physical appearance may begin to change.
Some of the changes may take the sparkle out of your relationship, making you ask yourself questions like: 'What next?'
When couples become complacent in their marriage, problems could be lurking in the horizons for them. Here are some ways to revive your marriage and spice it up.

  • Plan a wedding together: Weddings can be very expensive and a logistical nightmare, but reliving your wedding day, or renewing your marital vows, can be simple and romantic. Rewrite your marriage vows, and in the process, discuss what you hope to add to your relationship. Give yourselves credit for coming as far as you have, but recognize the parts of your promises that you may have broken.
  • Dance together: Dancing is a great way for couples to connect. If you're not down with organized dance lessons, you can rent a DVD and let the experts into your living room. Once you're comfortable with a little cha cha, put on a skimpy outfit and see what sequins do for your sex life.
  • Cook together: If you can't afford to eat out every night but still enjoy snuggling up to a good meal, collect the online menus from your favourite restaurants. Or better yet, cook together. Cooking together is the ultimate act of seduction. You get to explore your partner's culinary curiosities while taking risks together that don't involve jumping off a cliff.
  • Travel locally together: With so many travel restrictions and airport delays, jetting off to a far away place may actually work against you. Arguing is not romantic. Instead, explore the surrounding area. Perhaps there's an recreational park you've only admired from a distance or a neighborhood enclave that still remains a mystery. If you have a public transportation system in your city, hop off at a stop you've never been to before. Take turns allowing one another to choose your direction and so long as you stay safe, you'll end up in an exciting place you'd never imagined.
  • Read a romance novel together: Romance novels may not do much for your literary IQ, but if you dim the lights and reinact the scene where Fabio put his hands under the milkmaid's petticoat, you'll definitely get a few laughs while you're making your way to the bedroom. Reading together is a great way to reconnect with your spouse so if romance novels aren't your cup of tea, explore other topics like Shakespearean plays or science fiction.

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